Saturday, November 30, 2019

Understand the Expected Pattern free essay sample

Enjoys playing with other people and might get upset when the person stops intereacting with them Expressive and tries to communicate using there face and body Physical Development Supports upper body with arms when laying on the stomach Opens and shuts there hands Grasps and shakes hand toys Tries to hit dangerling objects with hands 6 months Able to follow moving objects with there eyes Reach for objects and pick them up Recognize familiar faces they see Will try helping to hold there bottle when feeding Social and Emotional Development Enjoys interacting with people during play Takes an interest in mirror images Responds to peoples expressions e. g if the adult is pulling funny faces the infant will smile and appear happy. Physical Development Rolls over onto there back and front Tries to support there body weight on there legs using objects/furniture for balance Can transfer an object from one hand to another Cognitive Development Finds partially hidden objects Explores with hands and mouth Language Development Responds to own name Can tell your emotion by the tone in your voice e. We will write a custom essay sample on Understand the Expected Pattern or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page if your happy or sad with them Babbles and makes sounds 1 year old Turn towards a noise they can hear Imitate speech sounds and experiment different noises they can make with there mouth for example blowing rasberries They are trying to crawl using there arms to drag them Start being able to wave bye bye Stand briefly without any support Copys adults using the telephone or a cup Social and Emotional Development Becomes shy and nervous around people they dont know Cry when parents leave them Finger feeds themselves Extends arms and legs when being dressed Copys sounds and gestures to get attention Physical Development Attempts to sit up without any support Pulls themselves up to stand Walks holding on to furniture Might walk a couple of steps without support Stands by themselves without any support Uses a pincer grasp to hold small objects Puts objects into containers e. g shape sorters Language Development Responds to â€Å"no† and shake there head to â€Å"no† Says â€Å"Dada† and â€Å"Mama† Tries to copy words. 2 years Can use 2 to word sentances and say about 50 words or more They can kick a ball Walk forwards and backwards They can create marks on paper using pencils, crayons and paintbrushes They can identify different parts of there bodys like eyes, ears, hands, feet hair, nose and they can point to them Social and Emotional Development Mimics behaviour of other children or adults Becomes more independent willing to do things themselves like toileting or putting shoes and coats on Becoming aware of themselves when around other people as a separate individual Physical Development Can run, walk and stand on tiptoe Enjoys climbing up and down items such as furniture Carries large toys or items whilst walking Cognitive Development Enjoys hidden objects game like hide and seek with toys Interacting with other children in role play Can sort shapes out and separate different colours Language Development Can join in with matching games or snap cards Follow and takes in simple instruction like follow the leader Repeats words that have have been said in a conversation 3 Years Old Social and Emotional Development Enjoys playing with other children for a few minutes or have a couple of close friends they play with They join in with games that involve taking turns Understand that an item or toy belongs to somebody else and that we share Expresses affection by holding hands or hugging Can separate abit more easier from parents Physical Development Throws a ball overhand They understand the concept of riding bikes and can put it into motion Can walk up and down stairs knowing to put one foot per stair step Enjoys climbing such as climbing frames or trees Cognitive Development They can complete puzzles with 3 or 4 pieces They become very imaginative and make up stories Make mechanical toys work without being shown Language Development They can say there name there age and if there a boy or girl Understand the concept of â€Å"on† â€Å"in† and â€Å"under† e. g the chair is under the table 4 Years old Social and Emotional Development Plays role play games where they are the parents Enjoys role play games where they can dress up and play the role of a character or person they are dressed up as Alot more independent and able to do things for themselves Imagines that things they cant see like in dark cupboards or unfamiliar objects might be a monster They cant always make the difference between reality and fantasy like something they see on t. thats in a cartoon they think it is real Physical Development Can go up and downstairs without any help Catches bounced ball games most of the time Can hop and stand on one leg for up to 5 seconds Can sometimes dress themselves without any help Cognitive Development Can correctly name some of the colours Understand the concept of the â€Å"same† and different Understands the concepts of counting and can name some numbers They can recall parts of a story Language Development They can tell stories Speaks clearly enough to strangers for them to understand whats been said 5 years Old Social and Emotional Development They want to please there friends and want to be liked by there friends Enjoys acting and sing amp; dance They are aware of boys and girls They are able to understand that things in cartoons arent real Physical Development They can stand on one foot for longer than 10 seconds They can hop, skip, run, jump, swing and climb They can use a knife,fork and spoon They can draw people with bodies They can draw around objects or use stencils Cognitive Development They can count 10 or more objects Have more of an understanding of time and place They can say there name and address Language Development Tell longer stories and more imagination Uses future tense in conversation 6- 12 years old Social and Emotional Development Easily upset by things not fair or right Can talk to themselves to make them calm down They have an anxiety, self conscious issues about physical and sexual changes to there body Become very sensitive to critcism and correction They get a strong need to belong to a family or peer group Increasing sense of right and wrong and societal rules Physical Development They get growth spurts They get more of an appetite and become picky eaters Sexual characteristic begin to develop Bone growth is faster then muscle development Pre-teen girls tend to be more advanced then boys Intellectual Development Extremely curious to whats going on around them Know the difference between real and imaginary things Loves bathroom talk Eager to solve real life problems At the age of 11-12 they may be arguments as they develop and are able to do chores without reminding or supervision 13 19 years Old Social and Emotional Development Have a need of belonging and want to be around there peer group Conflict between parent grow they might push you away for there attempt to be more independent They value what peers have to say and increase there affection and approval Challenge limits setting and parents judgement Physical Development Puberty has begun or been achieved Self doubt and awkwardness with growth spurts have appeared Hormonal and brain development continues Ref: www. mychildithoutlimits. org www. pearsonschoolsandfecolleges. co. uk www. attachmentparenting. ca www. yolofostercare. com/reading/childdevelopmentmilestone

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Montgomery Bus Boycotts impact on America

Montgomery Bus Boycotts impact on America Free Online Research Papers In 1955, Edgar Daniel Nixon, the president of the local National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) chapter, along with other community leaders was waiting for a chance to challenge segregation on Montgomery Alabama’s public buses. They were waiting for the right person to be arrested, someone who would be willing to stand up for their rights. On Thursday, December 1, 1955, Rosa Louise McCauley Parks refused to give up her seat when a white man asked her to. Nixon finally got his chance and organized a meeting of the local ministers. They chose the name Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) and appointed Reverend Martin Luther King Junior as the leader. The night of Rosa Parks’ arrest, Jo Ann Robinson circulated a flyer asking all Negroes to stay off all buses on Monday. The MIA had a meeting the next morning. They decided on a proposal for a dividing line on buses so that there was a section for blacks and a section for whites. This would mean a white could not make a Negro stand up from their seat behind the line. They believed that this was a fair compromise the city would accept. The MIA also wanted all bus passengers to receive civil treatment by bus drivers, be seated on a first-come, first-served basis, and blacks to be employed as bus drivers. They gave the proposal to the city that Friday. The boycott started on Monday, December 5, 1955. Very few blacks rode the bus that day, so it was decided to continue the boycott. The effectiveness of the boycott was due to the fact that the majority of passengers that rode the buses were black, and without enough passengers the bus system experienced great financial distress. The boycotters formed a system of carpools, with car owners transporting people to various places in Montgomery. White housewives drove their servants to work. The city tried to stop carpools by forcing local insurance companies to stop insuring the cars used in the carpools. Because of this, boycott leaders arranged policies with Lloyd’s of London, a British insurance market. Black taxi drivers charged ten cents per ride, which was equal to the cost of riding the bus, until December 8 when city officials required cab drivers to charge at least 45 cents per ride. People also used other forms of transportation such as walking, cycling, or even h itchhiking. Across the nation, black communities and churches raised money for the boycott and collected new and slightly used shoes for the citizens who now walked to work everyday. After about six months on June 4, 1956, the federal district court ruled that Alabama’s racial segregation laws for buses were unconstitutional. But, the case was appealed and the segregation laws were kept until on November 13, 1956, the Supreme Court upheld the lower court’s ruling. This led to a city ordinance that allowed black bus passengers to sit anywhere they wanted. The boycott finally ended on December 20, 1956. The Montgomery Bus Boycott was one of the U.S. civil rights movement’s first victories. Not only could the Montgomery blacks ride the buses as equals, but now blacks in other places could too. The boycott started a movement for equality that opened up opportunities for many blacks to prove that they were equal. Since it proved that one Jim Crow law was unconstitutional, people began to wonder if maybe all Jim Crow laws were unconstitutional. The Montgomery Bus Boycott started a revolution in America that will never be forgotten. Research Papers on Montgomery Bus Boycott's impact on AmericaComparison: Letter from Birmingham and Crito19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraCapital PunishmentWhere Wild and West MeetQuebec and CanadaHonest Iagos Truth through DeceptionHip-Hop is ArtNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NicePETSTEL analysis of IndiaTwilight of the UAW

Friday, November 22, 2019

Best Writing Blogs for Aspiring Authors

Best Writing Blogs for Aspiring Authors If youre an aspiring author, you dont have to fly solo. Even if you cant yet afford an agent, coach, or degree, you can find plenty of helpful resources on the Internet. The following websites will help you improve your writing skills, teach you more about your favourite genre, and give you the publishing tips you need to succeed. Write to Done: Unmissable Articles on Writing Write to Done is a collection of helpful articles for writers in all disciplines, from marketing to fiction. If you have a question related to writing, youll most likely find an answer here. Whether you want to learn how to cope with criticism, improve your grammar, generate titles, or write an entire novel, youll get that information here. Daily Writing Tips If the technical aspects of writing plague you, check in at Daily Writing Tips. A sort of online style guide, DWT is run by a team of editors and writers. These professionals publish an article every day on grammar, punctuation, vocabulary, spelling, and general usage and style. Trying to figure out if you need to hyphenate a term or swap your semicolon for a colon? You can look here. Advice to Writers: Writerly Wisdom of the Ages Advice to Writers is the companion site to Advice to Writers: A Compendium of Quotes, Anecdotes, and Writerly Wisdom from a Dazzling Array of Literary Lights. This book was authored by Jon Winokur, a prolific writer who assisted Burt Reynolds and James Garner with their memoirs. The homepage of the site features inspirational quotes from fellow writers. Youll also find links to resources of all types, including dictionaries, interviews with famous authors, other blogs, podcasts, and much more. Writers Digest: Write Better, Get Published This comprehensive site offers a number of tools for aspiring authors: competitions, workshops, tutorials, webinars, articles, writing prompts, and links to professionals such as agents and manuscript reviewers. You can also subscribe to the weekly newsletter or frequent the forums and exchange ideas with your peers. Writers Relief: Authors Submission Service This site is designed for those writers who dont want to be businesspeople. Focus on your craft, and then turn it over to Writers Relief. The staff will generate query letters, proofread your work, submit manuscripts to publishers, track responses, and much more. Choose from one of the multifaceted service plans, and get back to what you do best. Short Story Flash Fiction Society The Short Story Flash Fiction Society focuses exclusively on brief fiction. On this site, youll find everything you want or need regarding short stories and flash fiction: information on both types of writing, free stories to read, writing contests, guest posts, helpful videos, and a shop offering inexpensive resources to help you write. Romance University: R U Ready? If youve always dreamed of writing the next great Harlequin romance, then Romance University is for you. This site is tailored exclusively to authors of love stories, from the innocent to the erotic. The groups mission is to empower writers, entertain readers, and understand men. (Even if youre not into the romance genre, that last item might be worth checking out!) Science Fiction Fantasy Writers of America SFWA is a professional organization for authors of science fiction, fantasy and related genres. Esteemed past members include Isaac Asimov, Anne McCaffrey, Ray Bradbury, and Andre Norton. The sites own description says it all. Here, you can browse through various blogs and resources, and discover more about various genre awards. Become a member and reap even more benefits. Fantasy Authors Handbook: Advice for Authors of Science Fiction Fantasy Fantasy Authors Handbook is a site that offers a number of helpful posts on the technical aspects of writing your fantasy book. Youll learn how to make the most of Microsoft Word and how to use index cards to outline your story. You can also check out tutorials, links to other sites, and a number of related resources. So stop fantasizing about becoming a renowned writer, and use this site to embark on your journey to authorhood. The Official Blog of the Society of Childrens Book Writers and Illustrators If writing little stories for little people is your calling, dont miss this site. Geared toward childrens literature specialists, the SCBWI blog contains a number of posts by different experts, all aimed at helping you produce high-quality reading materials for youngsters. The Internet has made it easier than ever for people to write professionally; however, that fact might be overwhelming to you. With so much information available online, and so much competition, it may be difficult to know where to start. Pick the site that speaks to you and start reading. Youll soon be motivated to make your dream come true.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Identity Development in Adolescents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Identity Development in Adolescents - Essay Example Inside our society, particularly with the teens, encloses a positive as well as negative authority from the groups that they belong. There are numerous difficulties that the young people have to confront. Some of the frequent problems are taking of prohibited drugs, disorder for eating, and argument with parents. As the globe starts to mature and a hurried incite of adolescents, the pace of hostility has increased massively. With the aid of the mass media, communal environments, famous personalities, as well as parental management, a more advanced approach to aggression has introduced most of our adolescence. With the support of non-profit groups, entertainment centers, together with camps, encouraging aspects can divert young minds out of the brutal mist. Teenagers nowadays get manipulated by ads inside magazines, ads on what they view on television, people's demands on them, and from their daily life. Drugs and Alcohol does not help anything in the world. When teens are having problems, some of them do drugs or even drink alcohol to get rid of their problems, but that won't do any good it just causes more problems. Utilization of prohibited drugs has become the principal concern within teenagers who goes to school or even to colleges. Initially, I believe that the teenagers begin to take-in prohibited drugs due to the fact that they do not have belief in themselves. They may not be able to stand up for their viewpoint and have an immense manipulation from their friends. Next, teenagers go to parties very often to enjoy, every now and then under parental control and at times without the parents. During the time that they are not with their parents, they may do whatever thing they desire. On the other hand, it is possible for teenagers to show self-control and overcome the temptation of drugs. A number of people, including many adults, describe marijuana as harmless or even relaxing. While peer pressure plays a part in children taking a puff of that first cigarette, curiosity can also influence that decision. Unfortunately for him the effects of the alcohol have taken over. The number of underage drinkers is rising day by day. Normally this teenager would stop and think about the consequences or the harm it could do to his body. I suppose that when people are drinking together with smoking pot, they're more inclined to be sexually active, even if they don't go all the way. But your standards do tend to drop when you're drinking. Big problems can take place to each and every youngster that continues to smoke and doesn't try to stop. Nicotine is a major ingredient of tobacco smoke, and is highly addictive. When teenagers stop, they feel better about themselves. There are just too much things in the world that teens can get their hands on. There are many problems in teenagers. After the party, they might think they are not under the influence of alcohol and then drive. That may cause car accidents and they may have a hard time with their studies at school and at college. They just want to have a taste of everything and like to have something in their mouth. Taking drugs, eating disorders, and problems with parents are just few problems from a bundle. They may not have all the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Environmental Factors Affecting the Organization and Its Function Essay

Environmental Factors Affecting the Organization and Its Function Activities - Essay Example Of necessity then, all organizations must be adjusted to the environment in which they exist. The external environment of an organization are those factors that are outside the control of the manager but which nevertheless affect managerial decision - making. They generally affect all organizations within that society and thus they are not specific to any one firm. These environmental forces include: - Political -legal forces, economic forces, social and cultural forces. The two most important environmental are the technological forces and the internal environment. 2 Political stability is another factor i.e. organizations will change their mode of trade depending on how stable the political climate is. Presidential decrees also affects business decision - making. Business managers face a multitude of loss that limits their powers with regard to legal- political constrains. In the final analysis an organization usually cannot control what a government does. Sometimes these laws also create new opportunities for the firm. An example is compulsory recycling laws which have led to the mushrooming of the recycling industry. However, it is important for the organization to understand that the main purpose of business legislation is to give companies protection against unfair competition, protect the society's interests from being infringed by unscrupulous firms and also give consumers protection against business malpractices. (Dale, 2001) b) Economic forces Important aspects of the economy that affect the organization and human resource activities include inflation, economic growth, interest rates and employment. During periods of inflation, firms must pay more for raw materials Economic growth rate influences the demand for products while interest rate determines how much it will cost the organization to borrow money. Unemployment will influence the supply labour. Other economic factors affecting the organization are prices, savings and the availability of credit c) Social/cultural forces This environment consists of the value systems, social demographic characteristics and other basic characteristics of persons comprising the society. Such characteristics include desires, attitude, expectations, aspirations, believes, traditions, levels of educations, religions and customs of people in a given society. Religion might for instance influence people's tastes and preferences to products. Education may also influence tastes and preferences. People may have a negative attitude towards the products / services that the organization offers. The level of education would also affect the human resource function of selection and training because the low the level of education of its work forces, the more the training. The converse is true. People's lifestyles will influence the

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The ozone Layer and the greenhouse effect Essay Example for Free

The ozone Layer and the greenhouse effect Essay Ozone, an allotrope of oxygen is present in the atmosphere in only tiny amounts. It is found almost entirely in the stratosphere. It is vital for our survival as it filters out harmful ultraviolet radiation. However if ozone reaches ground level it is harmful to human health. It weakens the bodys immune system and attacks lung tissue. Ozone is extremely reactive and reacts with other gases very quickly but there are also reactions that are producing ozone and without human intervention this ozone would be in a steady state equilibrium. The natural reactions that involve ozone are: In this reaction hindicates the photon of ultraviolet radiation that is absorbed. Reaction 2 is the one that produces the ozone and reaction 4 is the one that destroys it. The is also another reaction that destroys ozone. 5. O3 + h O + O2 This is the reaction that is responsible for the screening effect of ozone, since it absorbs ultraviolet radiation. Chemists are able to calculate the concentration of ozone that should be in the stratosphere by working out how fast the rate of making and destroying occur, but when they actually measured the concentration it was a great deal less than expected. This tells us that there must be something else that is destroying the ozone other that the natural reactions. There are other radicals in the stratosphere that can react with ozone. An example of these is the chlorine atom and the bromine atom. Chloromethane and bromomethane can get into the stratosphere naturally from the oceans and by burning of coal and vegetation. Most of the chloromethane and bromomethane react in the troposphere but some manage to get onto the stratosphere. Once in the stratosphere the chloromethane splits up due to solar radiation and then the chlorine atom is able to react with ozone. The reaction occurs in a catalytic cycle: 1. Cl + O3 ClO + O2 The ClO is another radical able to react again 2. ClO + O Cl + O2 So now there are two reaction competing to destroy ozone 1. Cl + O3 ClO + O2 2. O + O3 O2 + O2 In the stratosphere there is a much lower concentration of Cl atom compared to O atoms, so it would seem that the reaction with Cl would be insignificant but chemists have measured the rate of reaction of Cl with ozone and have found it to be 1500 faster than the rate of reaction with O atoms. Also because Cl atoms are regenerated in a catalytic cycle they play a large part in removing ozone. In the 1930s scientist Thomas Midgley demonstrated a new refrigerant. He inhaled a lungful of dichlorodifluoromethane (CCl2F2) and used it to blow out a candle. He was showing two of the properties of the gas; its lack of toxicity and lack of flammability. CCl2F2 belongs to family known as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which contain chlorine, fluorine and carbon. Some other useful things about CFCs is there low boiling points and low reactivity. CFCs seemed to be the perfect answer to many problems. They had many uses such as propellant in aerosols, refrigerants, blowing agents for making expanded plastics and as cleaning solvents. In the troposphere they remain unreactive and there estimated lifetime is about 100 years. This gives them plenty of time to reach the stratosphere where they are no longer unreactive. They are split up by the solar radiation giving out the fluorine and chlorine to react in the stratosphere destroying ozone. In 1984 a group of British scientists discovered a hole in the ozone layer over Antarctica due to CFCs. Due to the scientists finding this hole there has been a worldwide ban on using CFCs since 1990. A replacement to CFCs are hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and hydroflurocarbons (HFCs). The difference with these is that they contain a C-H bond which is quickly broken down in the troposphere before they have time to reach to stratosphere. Unfortunately they are not the perfect solution as they contribute to global warming. The Greenhouse effect occurs in the. Without it the Earth would be uninhabited. By trapping the Suns radiation the atmosphere keeps the temperature high enough to support life. Greenhouse gases are gases that trap the Suns radiation. Burning fossil fuels, therefore releasing CO2 can make more greenhouse gases effectively warming the Earth. The Sun radiates energy mainly in the ultraviolet and visible. The part that is absorbed helps to heat the Earth, and the Earth the radiates energy back into space. Some of the energy radiated is absorbed by the troposphere heat the Earth. This is known as the greenhouse effect. If we release to many greenhouse gases this will in turn heat the Earth more causing sea levels to rise as the ice caps melt. The rise in sea level will leave low-lying coastal place to disappear under-water. Tom Harbud 01/03/2001 Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Patterns of Behaviour section.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

teens with hiv taking more risks :: essays research papers

Teenagers infected with HIV are more likely to engage in risky sex and drug use since the introduction of powerful medicines that effectively keep AIDS at bay, a new study finds. The trend, which began surfacing after highly active antiretroviral therapies (HAART) were introduced in 1996, points to the need for targeted interventions to reduce risky behavior and improve quality of life for those in this group, the researchers noted. Roughly a quarter of the 40,000 new HIV infections in the United States each year occur in people under the age of 21, according to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. "Young people, post-HAART, are engaging in more unprotected sex and engaging in more substance abuse, and are more emotionally distressed and have a lower quality of life," said lead researcher Marguerita Lightfoot, an assistant research psychologist at the University of California, Los Angeles' Center for Community Health. This finding was surprising, Lightfoot added. "I had a hypothesis that the young people who are taking HAART would be healthier, because they had more hope, they were living longer. And I was surprised that that wasn't the case." In the study, Lightfoot and her colleagues compared behaviors among 349 teens with HIV from Los Angeles, San Francisco, New York City and Miami from 1994 to 1996, with 175 teens with HIV in the same cities from 1999 to 2000. The two groups did not include the same people, but they were a similar mix of sex, age, race and ethnicity, as well as socioeconomic factors, according to the report in the March issue of the American Journal of Health Behavior. The researchers found the post-HAART group was almost two times more likely to have had unprotected sex. The post-HAART teens had almost twice the number of sex partners, compared with pre-HAART teens. And post-HAART teens were more likely to have a sexual partner who used injected drugs. In addition, the post-HAART group was diagnosed with HIV at a younger age and was in worse health than the pre-HAART group, Lightfoot's team found. Lightfoot said there are a number of reasons for these findings. She noted the powerful drug regimen isn't perfect. "There are increased expectations for HAART," Lightfoot said. "But not everyone is successful on HAART." Lightfoot also noted that teens infected with HIV are more apt to be involved with the juvenile justice system and spend time in jail. "Maybe it says something about the kind of young people who are more likely to be infected with HIV.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Final Nerrative Essay

He became difficult and refused to listen to Our mother. He would stroll the the streets all night and routinely come back home with items we suspect were stolen. My parents had always pondered upon and discussed the consequences of leaving us alone, without the guidance and support of both a mother and father. But because of our financial situation, my father needed to make the sacrifice. We all needed to sacrifice something. Subsequently, the behavior of my brother got worse over time and finally hit rock bottom one cold night. One Friday night approximately at 9 p. . , I was returning from school, about a block away from my house, I spotted a group of kids beating up a person. As I got closer, I recognized the unconscious body of my brother. Me being only 13 at the time, I launched myself with the greatest possible might at these bullies, which were in their twenties. Recall about 20 seconds of the fight, as I was getting stomped in my face, lying on the wet ground. To this day, I can still smell the dirt, water, blood, and leaves of that particular bush that grows around the rivers in that region of Mexico.The next day woke up in a hospital, and my first thought was about my brother. Was he well? Where was he? I ignored my head covered in bandages and the pain of my broken arm. Not even the fact that my dad flew from Los Angles and was there by my side. My heart began to fill with anger towards the man beside me, for failing to be there for us, and leaving his wife and children alone for months. When the nurse finally rolled my brother in on a squeaky hospital bed into the room, the whole family burst into tears the moment my brother and I embraced. Those were the tears of enormous relief that we were both alive.Up to this day, it has been the only time I have seen my dad cry. That day, all of us cried as a family in that cold blue pine smelling hospital room. During the following weeks of our recovery our father stayed in Mexico with us. About 3 weeks afte r this ordeal, we went back with the local police to the area where my brother and were attacked. The eerie feeling embraced us, as we walked down the block to that area. I will never forget the look on my father's face, as he looked at the scattered broken branches and our blood on he concrete floor, where we laid that night.For my father, the realization of his sons coming close to losing their lives finally struck him, he broke down. The police never found out what gang was responsible for the attack; though, still have a feeling that my brother knew some of them, but I never pushed the issue upon him after that. My parents discussed the option of sending my brother to a military school for kids who are on the wrong path in life, but a funny thing occurred. Once my father was with us fulfillment, my brother Joe completely changed, it was as a light bulb went off. Never again he got into trouble.For the sake of the family, my parents made a decision to move back to California. We sold our house in Mexico and within months, the whole family moved back to Los Angles. My brother continued to behave, as he confidently found his positive path. It ultimately took the presence of my father to turn him around. Frequently hear arguments in single parent households, that a father is not needed for happiness and stability in the family. In some instances that might be true, however, when it comes to our family, our father is the glue hat has kept us together to this day.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Design of Compact Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna

Design of Compact Dual-Band Microstrip Patch Antenna for GPSK-PCS Operation Ho-yong Kim', Yong-nn Lee, Chung-ho Won, Hong-min Lcc Department of Electronics [email  protected] Univerrily hi-Dong, Yeongtong-Cu, Suwon-Si, Kyonggi-do, Korea email: [email  protected] com lnlraduetion In recent years, with the advance o f technology, the demand for an antenna operating a1 mutibands i s increasing rapidly. Such as GPS and K-PCS, The multi-hand antennas with one feeding pon use the multiple resonance technolagy[l] such antennal are difficult lo provide a good polarization efficiency for GPS signal reception. So the integrated GPSIK-PCS dual-band antenna using two feeding pan has been proposed in this paper. Referenced dual-band antenna using two feeding pon has matched poiariration of integrated system. [2] but it has large size. Proposed antenna uses miniafurizalion technique that is to insect ilits. This technique is to increase elecVlcal surface length by slits. [3-5] Operating frequency o f proposed Bntenna is greatly lowered by slit^. Meander line patch and square ring patch with four diu o f proposed antenna are about 70% and 50% ofreferenced antenna size. The proposed antenna composed of a low-profile cylindrical monopole with a top-loaded meander line patch for K-PCS Operation, and a comer-truncated square-ring microstrip patch antenna with four-slits for GPS ooeration. Pmposed Antenna Design The geometry and design parameter of the proposed antenna for compact GPSIK-PCS operation i s presented in Figure I. The proposed antenna has the common ground plane, but i s fed by separate feeding pon. The antenns for GPS-hand i s realized by using a corner-truncated square-ring microstrip patch with four slits. The outer side length and inner ride length are40mm(L,)and IZmm(&) ~ ~ p % t i d printed on a rubrtrale o f thickness 1. 6mm(h) and y, relative peminiviry (e, :4. 4). The middle ofthe substrate is removed for inner rectangular d i t area ( b x b ) of patch. Feed position for right-hand circularly polarized (RHCP) wave operation is placed along x-axis. and the distance of the probe feed away fram the patch center i s denoted as 6 . 6 m m ( / ) . The four-rlitr at the comers are of equal length I3. 5mm(S)and width Imm(w). Fig 2(a) shows simulated reNm loss of the proposed anlenna for GPS receiving antenna with various d i t lengths(S). It i s noted that the reSonant frequency rapidly lowered with increasingdesign parameter(S). In f h i ~ way, the excited surface current paths are lengthened in the propo~ed designs, and the operating frequency is greatly lowered. 0-7803-8302-8/04/$20. 00 IEEE 3529 02004 Also, the shorted meander line patch antenna with low-profile cylindrical monopole top is loaded at the center of square ring patch for K-PCS operation. For brbadband characteristic, cylindrical monopole has a large diameter of 6. 2mm(d,) and l e n ~ h 10. 7mm(h2). The eander line patch has a ride lengh Z l m m ( p ) and is connected to the common ground by two same shorting posh, which have a diameter of 2. 2mm(d2). By varying ofthe shorting ports diameter(d2), good impedance matching can easily be obtained. Figure 2(b) shows simulated retum loss for the p r a p ~ ~ e d K-PCS antenna with various slit lengthr(m,) of meander line patch. Meander line patch size can be reduced by increasing inserted slit length. Becaus e of the antenna for K-PCS operation interfere the axial mtio of GPS receiving antenna, the miniatufimion of GPS antenna is limited. According to the experiment, the patch size of GPS antenna for circular polarized operation must he over about twice the size of KPCS antenna with meander line suunurc. In the proposed designs, the bandwidth of3-dB axial mtio is about 13 MHz, which is much larger than that required for GPS operation at 1575 MHz. The measured axial ratio ofthe antenna for GPS operation i s presented in Figure 3. Figure 4 shows measured re† 101 of proposed antenna. The impedance bandwidths (. lOdB retum larr) are about lZOMH~(1744MHr-1864MH~)far K-PCS band and 60MHr (IS46MHr-1606MHz) for GPS-band. The isolation between the two feeding pons of the PCS and GPS elemenls is less than -17dB. Measured radiation panems of the proposed antenna at l8OOMHz and ISROMHz are presented in Figure 5 and 6, respectively. The K-PCS antenna radiation panem at IROOMHz shows a monopole radiation panem, 10 this fype of antenna is suitable for applications on a vehicular communication system. For the GPS anfenna at ISROMHz, good broadside band radiation panem is obtained. Far K-PCS operation the measured pea* antenna gains is about 2. 4dBi and t h c gain variations are within O. JdBi, for GPS operation the measured peak antenna gains is about 7. dBi and the vanations of gain does not exist. Conclusion Proposed antenna has a integrated slmcturc of microitrip patch antenna with two feeds for dual-band oprmtion(GPSiK-PCS). A low-profile cylindrical monopole with a shorted meander line patch i s loaded for K-PCS operation, which rhowr a linearly polarized monopole patkm with broadband characterirlic. Th e radiating clement for GPS operation is a novel square-ring microstip path with truncated comers with four slits, which provide circularly polarized braadrids radiation panemr. size reduction of proposed antenna is achieved by using slits. Meander line patch and square ring patch with four . lib of proposed antenna are about 70% and SO% of referenced antenna sire. As the proposed antenna has a compact size for dual band operation, it will be suitable for practical vehicular mobile communication antenna applications. R&E†Ce [I] R. Kronberger, H. Lindenmcier, L. Reiter, J. Hapf, † Multi hand planar Invencd-F C r a Antenna for Mobile Phone andGPS,†2714p-Z717p,AP confer. 1999 3530 [2] I. Y. Wu and K. L. Wong, â€Å"Two inlegraled stacked shorted patchantennas for DCSiGPS operations,† Micra wave Opt. Techno1 . Len. , Vol. 30. July, 2001. I31 S. Reed, L. Desclar, C. Terref, and S. Toutain, â€Å"Patch Antenna Size Reduction By Means Oflnductive Slots,† Micro wave Opt. Teehnol. Len. ,Vol29. Apri, 2001. 1 [41 J. Y. Wu and K. L. Wong, â€Å"Single-feed Square-ring Microstip Antenna wilh lruncated comers for Compact ~ircularpolarization Operation,† Electronics lea. , Vol. 34, May,1998. [ 5 ] W. S. Chen, C. K. Wu, and K. L. wong. I' Novel Compact Circularly polarized Square Microstrip Antennq† IEEE Trans. ,Antennas Propagat. , Vol. 49, March, 2001, L, = 40mm, L, = 12mm, S = 13. 5mm, t = 5. 74mm. IY = I n † f = 6. 6†³. p = Zlmnr, m, =ZOmm, ml =3. mm, d) = 6. 2mm, d* = 2. 2†³. d, =9. 3mm h, = 1. 6mm. h2 =10. 7mm Fib. 1. Geomelly and dimiiiimi ofthe pmpanrd a n t m i l for CPSIK-PCS operation. (a) The variation against parameter S (b) The variation againsl parmnster m, Fig. 2. Simulated return loss wilh v~riour ImgthsiS) nnd vsriour slit lengthsim,). slit 3531 I E 4 , d B ! -2 1. 560 1. 565 1. 570 1. 575 1. 580 .† -15 FrequanollGHz , I . 1. 5 2. 0 ~r4†³enwffi~ 2. 5 Fig. 3. The measured arid ratio. Fig 1 Measured r t b m loss of antenna. . (a) x-2 plane @) x-Y plane Fig 6. Measured radiation panem for GPS operation; f=1580MHz 3532

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Can Undocumented Immigrants Go to College

Can Undocumented Immigrants Go to College SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips During my undergraduate years at Stanford and in my first job after graduation, I counseled a number of undocumented high school students. Many undocumented students incorrectly assume that they’re not allowed to go to college. While there are additional barriers that make pursuing a college education more difficult, I’m proud to say that I know multiple undocumented immigrants who are now graduates from prestigious universities. In this article, I’ll detail the rules and obstacles for undocumented students who pursue higher education. College Admission Policies for Undocumented Immigrants There is no federal law that prohibits the admission of undocumented immigrants to either public or private US colleges. However, institutional policies can vary, and some states have placed restrictions on undocumented students from attending in-state postsecondary institutions. The Georgia Board of Regents banned undocumented students from attending the top 5 state-funded colleges in Georgia. Also, Alabama and South Carolina prohibit undocumented students from enrolling at any public postsecondary institution. Despite these prohibitions, the majority of US colleges remain open to undocumented students. Many colleges are becoming increasingly vocal and open about their support for undocumented immigrant students. This year, Rutgers University-Newark held a college admissions fair for undocumented students. Furthermore, top colleges like Stanford, Dartmouth, Duke, and the University of Chicago have stated that they welcome the applications of undocumented students and have undocumented students enrolled. Regardless of citizenship status, you can be a college grad! However, even though undocumented immigrants can be admitted to most of the nation's colleges, financial obstacles make attending much more difficult. Financial Issues for Undocumented Immigrants Undoubtedly, the biggest hurdles for undocumented students going to college are financial. Federal Aid Undocumented students can't legally receive any federally funded aid, including loans, grants, scholarships, or work-study money. Most students who need financial assistance to attend college fill out a FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and are given federal grants and loans based on their expected family contribution. Undocumented students do not have this option because they're ineligible for all forms of federal aid. State Aid and In-State Tuition Many states treat undocumented students like foreign students. In these states, undocumented immigrants are ineligible for state aid and the lower in-state tuition charged to residents at state institutions. Arizona, Georgia, and Indiana specifically prohibit in-state tuition rates for undocumented students. States That Offer In-State Tuition Some states, though, have passed laws that enable undocumented students to pay in-state tuition if they meet certain conditions, and trends seem to indicate that more states will offer in-state tuition to undocumented students in the future. Currently, 16 states have laws allowing undocumented immigrants to pay in-state tuition provided they meet certain requirements: California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Texas, Utah, and Washington. For example, California has a state law known as AB 540. Undocumented students qualify for in-state tuition if they attend a California high school for 3 years, graduate from a California high school, and fill out an affidavit that says they will apply for US residency as soon as possible. Additionally, Oklahoma and Rhode Island allow in-state tuition rates for undocumented students through Board of Regents' decisions. And, in 2013, the University of Hawaii's and the University of Michigan's Board of Regents adopted policies for undocumented students to have access to in-state tuition at those colleges. States That Give Aid Presently, California, Minnesota, New Mexico, Texas, and Washington allow undocumented students to receive state aid. Private Scholarships Most private scholarships require applicants to be US citizens or legal residents. However, there are some scholarships that are open to undocumented immigrants and an increasing number of scholarships are specifically for undocumented students. For more information regarding private scholarships for undocumented students, check out: Golden Door Scholars TheDream.US MALDEF Scholarship Resources QuestBridge Becas Univision Scholarship Furthermore, you can review this scholarship guide for undocumented students. In addition to these scholarships, some private colleges, including NYU, grant scholarships or other aid to undocumented students. How to Address Your Citizenship on Your Application If you're an undocumented student, don't lie or misrepresent your citizenship status on your application. Leave your social security number blank. Don't put in an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number, Alien number, or any other number. For the University of California, undocumented students should select "No Selection" for their country of citizenship. In your application essay, absolutely, feel free to address your immigration status and situation. Colleges want to hear about obstacles that you've had to overcome, but don't let those obstacles define you. The purpose of the application essay is for the school to get to know you and get a better sense of how you could possibly contribute to the college's community. Focus on your accomplishments and what makes you unique as an individual. The Federal Education and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student records at all educational institutions. Whatever you write in your essay or talk about with admissions or financial aid counselors will not be reported. Additional Advice for Undocumented Immigrants State and federal laws change all the time, especially since immigration is such a politically charged issue. Educate yourself about current state and federal laws regarding tuition and aid rules for undocumented students. The two federal laws you should be aware of are DACA and the DREAM Act. If you are DACA eligible, you can get a work permit and be freed from the fear of deportation for at least 2 years. Unfortunately, you still won't be eligible for federal financial aid. The DREAM Act has not been passed and has undergone numerous changes since it was first proposed in 2001. However, if it ever passes, it could have a profound impact on higher education access for undocumented students. Also, if it does pass, you'll be on a path to citizenship if you attend college. If you have a good relationship with your counselor, talk with him or her about your options and get guidance. Remember, though, you do not have to reveal your immigration status or your parents' to any school personnel, and they can't ask you about it. Make yourself competitive for college admission. Get good grades, take college prep classes, do well on your standardized tests, and try to participate in extracurricular activities. Because your immigration status may limit your options, you should do what you can to give yourself the most opportunities. Additionally, some of the scholarships that you're eligible for are more likely to go to high achieving students. Contact admissions officers and financial aid counselors at the schools you're interested in attending. Typically, they'll try to be helpful and they won't report your immigration status. They can inform you of their financial aid options for undocumented students and let you know how to fill out the school's application, specifically in regards to questions about citizenship and residency. Do research on colleges that offer support for undocumented students. For example, UCLA and UC Berkeley have support programs that provide services and advice for undocumented students. Finally, look at the Repository of Resources For Undocumented Students. It has information about state laws. Also, it has information about scholarships you may be eligible for and organizations that can offer you support and advice. While you may have more hurdles to overcome, graduating from college is possible and will likely give you a better life and future. What's Next? If you're an undocumented student, there may be additional factors to consider, but you should review this post on how to choose a college. Also, you'll want to know the best college search websites. Lastly, if you're wondering how to make yourself as competitive for college admission as possible, read this article on building the most versatile college application. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Justin Berkman About the Author Justin has extensive experience teaching SAT prep and guiding high school students through the college admissions and selection process. He is firmly committed to improving equity in education and helping students to reach their educational goals. Justin received an athletic scholarship for gymnastics at Stanford University and graduated with a BA in American Studies. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Chemical Safety In Schools Environmental Sciences Essay

Chemical Safety In Schools Environmental Sciences Essay Chemistry plays an important role in human civilization. It enables us to formulate substances important for disease treatment, fertilize plants and provide fuel for transportation ( ). For many years, chemistry has been considered the central science due to its significant connections and overlap with other sciences. If a scientific discipline involves matter, chances are that chemistry plays an important role. Therefore, we will always need people who have a good knowledge of chemistry. As expressed by Beach and Stone (1988) â€Å"chemistry education without laboratory is like painting without colors and canvas or learning how to ride a bike by reading its operating manual† (Tezcan and Bilgin, 2004). The study of chemistry in schools equips students with knowledge in the classroom and skills of conducting experiments in laboratories during practical sessions that are scheduled once a week for a period of two to three hours (MOH, 2001). 2.1.2 Hazards Chemical in the School E xperiments The teaching of chemistry at secondary school includes the use of hazardous chemical, which is essential for the understanding of chemistry fundamentals. Example of hazardous chemicals that are available at school chemistry laboratory are hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, acetic acid, natrium hydroxide, hydrogen sulfate, ammonium sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, ethanol, propanol and acetone (MOH, 2000). These chemicals are classified as hazardous chemicals to health under the Malaysia Occupational Safety and Health (Use and Standards of Exposure of Chemical Hazardous to Health) Regulations 2000. In view of their hazardous characteristics, the government through the Department of Occupational Safety and Health regulates labelling and packaging of these chemicals. A specific law pertaining to these hazardous chemicals, the Occupational Safety and Health (Classification, Packaging John Kiesswetter et al., 1994; Medinsky et al., 1995). Malaysian Occupational Safety & Health (Ac t 514) and Occupational Safety & Health Regulation 2000 (Use and Standard of Exposure to Chemicals Hazardous to Health) specify the permissible exposure level (PEL). The PEL is the maximum time-weighted average concentration of hazardous chemicals in the air of working area that workers can be exposed without the need to wear personal protective equipment and the PEL for acetone, ethanol and formaldehyde are 1187.0, 1880.0 and 0.4 mg/m3, respectively (MDC, 2005). 2.1.3 Safety Precautions In view of the physical and health hazards of the chemicals, there is requires the implementation of safety precaution and hazard control to reduce the risk of exposure to the chemical hazards. Safety precaution differs based on the type of the chemical hazards. Safety precautions differ based on the type chemical hazards. General safety precaution is personal hygiene whereby the user as advice:

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Methodological Issues in Interviewing Dissertation

Methodological Issues in Interviewing - Dissertation Example The type of methodology adopted in a study is influenced by the nature of the reaches and the topic that is being studied. When a researcher is deicing on the methodology to adopt for a particular study, he/she must think of how the research questions and the hypotheses are going to be addressed. The methodology should clearly describe how the study can be replicated in another situation. Every stage of the process must be explained and justified. Â  Krueger (2008) describes secondary research is an approach to research in which existing information is summarized, collated, and synthesized. In secondary research, the researcher uses information and data that had been collected by other researchers. A variety of sources are used in secondary research. They include letters, documents, previous primary studies, books, journals, diaries, autobiographies, and archival records (Saunders et al., 2009). Magazines articles, marketing reports, and data from company websites can also be used in secondary studies. There are several advantages of using secondary research. First, it saves the researcher a lot of times. In this approach, the researcher does not have to go to the field to collect primary data. On the contrary, he uses information that is already documented. This allows him to spend more time in analyzing the data (Saunders et al., 2009). Secondly, secondary research allows the researcher to approach a subject or topic of stu dy from different perspectives. The use of a variety of sources to collect data allows the researcher to understand and evaluate the perspectives of another researcher on the topic of study. Secondary research also gives the researcher general background information on the topic of study.